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Cognitive Object Interface (COI) for Situational Awareness and Control

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  • Tired of trying to make sense out of mountains of sensor data.
  • Larger dashboards aren’t doing it for you.
  • Incident data analytics, too little, too late.

This is while the AI industry requires larger, more energy consuming computers to generate a superficial
understanding of the massive amounts of data necessary in the IoT industry.

Need Human Oversight over IoT’s Millions?
Use Our COI Brain Interface!

Generate human comprehension and control over all those millions of sensor signals, use Signal Edge’s Cognitive Objective Interface (COI), which:

  • Is as straighforward and responsive to operate as our brain.
  • Employs our visual sensory system through a simple GUI.
  • Works with Artificial Subconscious Intelligence (ASI) to train, prioritize and automate operations.
  • Achieves remote real-time situational awareness, i.e., where a nurse can monitor, manage hundreds of patients