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Motion Reactor

ReactorThe Motion Reactor functions in a similar manner to the Occipital Lobe in that it is responsible for interfacing with both basic and advanced systems of command and control.  It is the central control point for synchronizing and managing ASI and it contains a Motion Replicator and Motion Aggregator. The Motion Replicator is responsible for duplicating sensory memory.  It essentially performs the same function as Primary Visual cortex.  As experiences are received, the Replicator will:


  • restore the timing of the experience (Temporal Correlation)
  • apply all motion commands (Spatial Correlation)
  • analyze and record complex cause-and-effect relationships
  • reproduce object-state to replicate the original data stream
  • trigger the Motion Aggregator after an experience is complete


The Motion Aggregator is then responsible for further reductions in the sensory data load up to the 99.990% level.  Aggregation focuses on consolidating multiple objects and measuring these against complex patterns.  The Aggregator processes motion to create neural notifications that are related to:

  • Low-value Predictable Motion – Signal sent for subconscious decision-making
  • Low-value Unpredictable Motion – No signal sent, data ignored
  • Medium-value Predictable Motion – Signal sent for subconscious and conscious notification.
  • Med-value Unpredictable Motion – Signal notify conscious for possible attention escalation.
  • High-value Predictable Motion – Signal sent both subconscious/conscious decision-making. 
  • High-value Unpredictable Motion – Signal sent for conscious decision-making.