The Signal Edge Solution
While the problem described above was identified in Computer Science, the solution would have to be drawn from neurology, quantum physics, psychology, and philosophy. All play a role in understanding the human brain. The needed solution was found by identifying the brain’s process algorithm and duplicating its functionality. The human brain is two liters in size, maxes out on about 21 watts of power, processes millions of sensory signals of minute, solves the bottleneck problem, produces natural intelligence, and adapts to the unknown.
To decipher the problem, Signal Edge researched neural data transfer methods that could break the bounds of our paper processing prison. We discovered that the solution was buried in the brain’s subconscious process which systematically performs all sensory measurements to fulfil its basic survival function. The subconscious scans the data arriving from our senses and compares all currently obtained sensory readings with the previously collected sensory data to determine what has changed. This change represents sensory Motion and can be extracted. It turns out that transferring Motion between the brain’s various components requires significantly less resources/energy than transferring raw sensory readings.
Energy savings is achieved because Motion can be classified as either Predictable or Unpredictable. The subconscious maintains a single synchronous state amongst its components when performing sensory measurements. In the brain, when transmitting data between two synchronous points, Prediction is used as an energy-saving technique that allows information to travel throughout the subconscious process using NO resources. Since the prediction exists within a synchronous state, the knowledge of that prediction exists within all connected points of that synchronous state. As each component of the subconscious process fires, the prediction knowledge is already available for processing. As a result, Predictable Motion requires no transmission, no conscious thought, and no energy requirements to automatically be processed by the brain. Processing is only needed for Unpredictable Motion.
Testing the theory that the subconscious framework of the brain is based on a motion-reaction-prediction model, the principals of Signal Edge decided to construct a prototype where IIoT sensor input was to be used to simulate human sensory input. To simulate the brain’s lowest level of sensory processing required two network devices. The first was the Motion Decimator which duplicates the function of the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN). The LGN measures raw sensory data, extracts sensory Motion, and classifies its Predictability. The second device is a Motion Reactor that triggers real-time reactions based on the Motion received from the Decimator. The first reaction programmed was a Replicator. The Replicator processes the Motion received reproducing the original data stream.
The results of the prototype far exceeded expectations with a 99.9% reduction in network packet usage. In other words, for every 1000 packets used in traditional data processing, our system only needed 1 packet to move the same data. The two devices establish a synchronous state where sensory data can be transferred using Motion. All Predictable Motion is removed from the encoding and the remaining Unpredictable Motion is compressed down into a single network packet. The highly condensed packet is then synchronized between the devices. What was even more amazing was that the system exchanged data instantaneously. We call the process Neural Synchronization and it transmits information through motion which solves once and for all the network bottleneck problem.
Neural Synchronization is also the foundation block for an artificial subconscious process. A self-perpetuating system for automating real-time reactions. Within this process, sensory data is measured to discern Motion to produce Awareness to generate Reactions to produce Predictions. The subconscious framework is used in the production of Natural Intelligence. This is general form of intelligence that when mixed with symbolic intelligence can produce various forms of consciousness and process automation. All life is based on the principles of natural intelligence which is a system designed to be greater than the sum of its parts.
Signal Edge has discovered and duplicated the brain’s formula for eliminating data bottlenecks and reproducing natural intelligence. By starting at the bottom, we deciphered the brain’s communication framework that synchronizes all the pieces together. From that, the two levels of the brain, conscious and subconscious, are knit together into one system. By following the path of efficiency, we found the brain’s algorithm and the new science of Artificial Subconscious IntelligenceTM will solve the computer industry’s problems in both sensor processing and artificial intelligence.
It is Signal Edge’s intention to continue to work our way up in the brain’s process stack and in so doing, unravel the mysteries of intelligence and life which we discovered are intrinsically linked. Our creation of an artificial brain is not just possible, it’s inevitable. We plan to use the knowledge acquired through the process to spawn commercial applications that significantly impact the marketplace, such as our ByteWiseIoT Gateway and our Cognitive Object Interface (COI). We will use our brain-based technology to create market changing solutions that propel industry capability to an entire new level. Also, since the brain’s entire design is based on energy conservation, it becomes the ultimate expression of “Green Power”.
Signal Edge does not see our role as competitive in the sensor processing marketplace. The ByteWiseIoT product is positioned as a simple network enhancement that can be easily attached to any existing sensor deployment. With our knowledge of the brain’s algorithm, we can apply its efficiency through a pair of low-cost devices that reduces network packet requirements by more than 99.9% and effectively eliminates the bottleneck problem. By using brain inspired technology, companies will be able to deploy fully functional sensor-based solutions at a fraction of the price on their existing infrastructure.
Signal Edge believes that the most commercially acceptable artificial intelligence products at this time should be centered on human integrated solutions that create a force-multiplication effect. In other words, don’t replace humans, focus on multiplying human capability. Instead of teaching a computer to understand millions of sensory signals, Signal Edge will use our technology to generate the awareness necessary for human comprehension. Artificial Subconscious IntelligenceTM technology will make possible affordable real-time situational analysis, a place where none of the current artificial intelligence products can go.
Understanding the brain’s algorithm for natural intelligence has significant implications far beyond Computer Science. It provides a foundation for the mind-based sciences where many will experience a renaissance as existing research is reevaluated and the true cause-and-effect process can be seen. All their theories and conjectures will have a factual basis for validation and study. The knowledge this produces will revolutionize treatments for physical brain disorders and by integrating a human consciousness with an artificial subconscious, an entire new generation of psychology tools for treating behavioral disorders will be available. Signal Edge will establish a framework for others to unite the sciences to solve the biggest problems facing our world. More importantly, we will finally be able to understand who and what we are. In that revelation, we will be changed forever.