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Robots and Red Tape: Neuro-Symbolic Intelligence, 
the Human Brain and AI with Dave Edgar

Dave chats about the brain, AI, and how the studying the human mind can promote efficiency in AI systems. 
July 2024 | YouTube

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Signal Edge Awarded Most Promising IoT Solutions Provider 2023

October 2023 | Baltimore, Maryland

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Signal Edge’s Radical Reduction of Network Transmission Requirements Fuels Real-Time Data Analysis

May 2020 | Baltimore, Maryland

Signal Edge Corporation announces its completion of Phase 1 of its corporate mission. Our first order of business was to develop a cost-effective solution for processing remote IoT sensory data across the network in real-time. Millions of sensors producing data every few seconds creates an enormous strain on the infrastructure requiring very expensive network and computer upgrades which dramatically increases the costs.” Says Signal Edge’s President, Ray Blankenheim.

We knew the only way around this problem was to employ an advanced form of AI that mimics the brain’s algorithmic process. The human brain processes enormous amounts of sensory data in real-time using less than 20 watts of power. Our goal was to translate that level of efficiency into the network data process. Signal Edge has successfully duplicated the quantum algorithm using an inexpensive mini network appliance running on top of industry network protocols and compatible with existing data standards. Not some expensive edge server or futuristic AI neural network. Just a simple box with plug-in efficiency that sends the same the data using just a fraction of the resources. The ultimate Green Process.

While considering that growth from IoT sensors networks will create billions of sensor signals that need to be locally and remotely processed on a moment-by-moment basis, the enormous ever-increasing need for real-time digitalization is pervasive. For instance, from:

  • Our Energy - Large Oil Refineries produce billions of sensor readings that need to be remotely monitored generating 1TB of raw data per day.
  • Our Power Grids - California’s PG&E needs to monitor some ten million remote meters, assets/SCADA reporting systems and weather, foliage, wildlife data sources.
  • Our Minerals - Mining Operations run millions of personnel, environmental, asset and machine sensors on a daily basis.

We are facing an ever-increasing need for real-time situational awareness from the field to Corporate digitalization. The need being driven by the critical nature of having to supply, feed, power, keep healthy a planet while facing historically downward profitability.” Says Blankenheim.

There are additional examples of our growing sensor needs in managing our Safety and Health, Agriculture, Government, Military, and Smart City sectors. Unfortunately, the exponential growth of IoT devices has pushed network bandwidth requirements to the limit. Despite improvements in network technology, current data centers cannot guarantee acceptable transfer rates across the Cloud. The result is escalating costs, slower response times, reduced functionality, low scalability, high failure rates, and eventually system overload (crash). Technology barriers where industry has not gained real-time access to field IoT data has led to many of our CFO’s questioning whether current IoT implementation and operation costs outweigh benefits.

In contrast, to increase the efficiency of existing infrastructure, we have been able to insert the Brain’s algorithm into the IoT data transmission process”, says Signal Edge’s CTO, David Edgar. “Our BytewiseIoT network bridges act as neural components synchronizing sensor input using the brain’s high efficiency quantum state model. The result is the reduction of 99.9% of IoT network frames. Customers can eliminate most of their internet transmission requirements, free up network capacity, and accelerate data transmission to real-time. All for a fraction of the cost of an upgrade.

For further info on how our AI neural algorithm powers green real-time oversight over millions of sensors, please see Signal Edge is Supercharging AI and IoT Technology with the Brain’s Subconscious Formula.. Further detail is also available on how digitalization and IoT challenges can now be overcome.

Signal Edge Corporation is a manufacturer of low-power consuming electronic communication devices. Our ByteWiseIoT product is offered as a moderately priced, miniature, router plug-in network bridge, or router, that runs in conjunction with popular established communication protocols. Our patent pending Artificial Subconscious Intelligence (ASI) technology pre-processes data just before and after transmissions to the Cloud reducing network requirements resulting in large IoT operational cost savings and radical increases in infrastructure capacity.


Signal Edge’s Neural Synchronization Powers General Intelligence

Baltimore, MD | June 2020

Signal Edge has begun Phase 2 of its corporate mission. Whereas Phase 1 gave industry the capabilities to perform moment-by-moment field to Cloud data transfer within budget and without the need for major new hardware infrastructure and upgrades. Phase 2 addresses the secondary primary industry concern about IoT that most CIOs share. What are we going to do with all the data and how can we best use it to react?

A Power Grid Official, they will tell you that they need to be able to react as if they are inside each of their facilities fences”, says Signal Edge’s President, Ray Blankenheim. “If you are DOD or DHS, it is all about the ability to achieve remote situational awareness to be able to perform Command and Control. We realized that the only way we were going to finally achieve this overriding need for a true commanding virtual presence was to take the next step using the Brain’s quantum algorithm to create a functioning s ubconscious to process all the sensory data. Phase 2 will complete the brain’s process framework which allows it to accept cognitive interfaces. The interface will allow human and AI sources to use symbolic Intelligence to train a computer’s general intelligence to manage the sensory data and automate decisions.

Phase 1 of our corporate mission was to radically reduce the bandwidth requirements on existing network infrastructure to withstand the exponential growth of sensory data. Using the brain’s process algorithm allows the ByteWiseIoT Network Bridge to eliminate 99.9% of the network frames usually required to transmit IoT data records. Even a modest system with 1000 sensory devices producing data every 3 seconds will generate 1.2 million network frames an hour. This level of data growth is unsustainable causing many projects to fail due to insufficient bandwidth or unaffordable network costs. The Signal Edge ByteWiseIoT Network Bridge using the brain’s algorithm transfers the same information but only requires 1,200 network frames an hour. This allows organizations to concentrate all their data in secure data centers without expensive edge servers or budget breaking carrier costs with the added benefit of increasing data transmission to real-time.

Phase 2 of the Signal Edge mission is to help Industry assimilate and analyze this moment-by-moment sensory data. To provide this capability, Signal Edge will be completing the brain’s automated, self-sustaining subconscious process. This will expand the thalamic/cortex framework of Phase 1 to include the brain’s general intelligence algorithm. The addition of general intelligence will provide the framework necessary to attach a cognitive state to an artificial subconscious process.

The Phase 2 subconscious framework will provide the ability to plug-in a Cognitive Object Interface (COI)”, says David Edgar, Signal Edge CTO. “The COI provides the functionality necessary to integrate human cognitive abilities directly into the artificial subconscious process. This will enable a user to monitor and process thousands of computer signals in real-time. It uses human symbolic reasoning to train the real-time automation process of the subconscious. So, as experience grows, the subconscious learns how to associate environmental motion to automate most human decisions. That with a properly trained artificial subconscious, a single nurse could monitor and manage hundreds, if not thousands of patients. A single operator can monitor a globally distant mining facility in real-time.

For further info on how our AI neural algorithm powers green real-time oversight over millions of sensors, please see Signal Edge is Supercharging AI and IoT Technology with the Brain’s Subconscious Formula.. Further detail is also available on how digitalization and IoT challenges can now be overcome.

#quantumcomputing  #ai  #aisolution  #iotsolution  #networkai  #agi  #hybridai

Signal Edge Corporation is a manufacturer of low-power consuming electronic communication devices. Our ByteWiseIoT product is offered as a moderately priced, miniature, router plug-in network bridge, or router, that runs in conjunction with popular established communication protocols. Our patent pending Artificial Subconscious Intelligence (ASI) technology pre-processes data just before and after transmissions to the Cloud radically reducing network transmission requirements resulting in large IoT operational cost savings and increases in broadcasting capacity. Signal Edge is currently readying ASI powered Cognitive Object Interfaces (COIs) that when used provides industry with real-time situational awareness to manage and control business practices. Human reactions will drive the training of the artificial subconscious to process, react, and prioritize in accordance with the operator’s general knowledge and requirements.